Photo: CatLane / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images
It can often be a super-charge to the soul but mostly the brain to score big in the lottery! Sometimes, the timing is an eerie reminder that money can't buy health or happiness. It was a bittersweet win for 61-year old Karen Coffman, from Armstrong County in Pennsylvania. While this stroke of luck could have brought happiness and relaxation to her and her husband of 31 years, maybe a restful getaway or home-improvement project realized, the reality was the impending death of her beloved partner. Her husband suffered from a brain tumor. "I told you I was going to win a million," Coffman said she told her husband. "I don't know if he understood that, because it was coming towards the end, and we knew it was coming," Coffman said. Now, she is making plans to check off a few bucket list items with her grandkids. Disney World then deep sea fishing. "(Fishing) was me and the husband's thing. Then, I got my grandson started on it and he fishes and I said, 'let's go deep sea fishing," Coffman said. Did you ever wonder why some people are SO lucky and most of us are not? While the $1 Million Jackpot is her biggest lottery win, it not the only time she hit big. She has also won a trip, some nice prizes and $65,000 on a previous scratch-off several years ago. No word if she plans to remain single with "jingle" or is ready to mingle?