Photo: DenisTangneyJr / iStock / Getty Images
"WOOHOO! The coins just kept dropping, the bells and whistles were deafening. One lucky slot player in Atlantic City just scored a $2.5M payout. the slots? HUH? 72-year old Roni Beal claims she hit big on the Wheel Of Fortune slot machine. Not so fast. Bally's Atlantic City said the machine malfunctioned and now refuse the payment. Bally's employees then offered her $350.00 and call it a day. She said NO way and has opted to file a lawsuit. The casino workers standing nearby encouraged her to re-spin citing a "Tilt" message when they opened up the machine. Her attorney, Mike DiCroce says Beal first hit on a top prize of $1,277,955.18 when a multiplier lit up doubling the prize payout to $2,555,910.32. DiCroce says his client is a 72-year old lady with a heart condition having suffered a heart attack last year. The Slot machine manufacturer-International Game Technology would not comment but are cooperating with the lawsuit brought by Beal and the on-going investigation. "Bally's has no comment on this incident as we're only the casino who houses the machine", Bally's said in a statement. "IGT handles the payouts and would be best to get a comment from at this time."