The parade that Atlantic City made, in 1988...
...indeed, has quite an ironic & charming twist of fate.
‘Tis true; it was born from a Gaelic notion.
The desire to host a parade, alongside the ocean.
Who would have guessed that many decades later,
the parade’s following would grow - that much greater.
A multitude of ethnicities, backgrounds, religions, and races,
flock to the City of Atlantic; A multi-cultural collage of faces.
The sounds of school, string & piper bands echo in the salt air.
As Irish dancers and festive floats give good cause to stare.
Local pubs, eateries and casinos take part in the green scene,
with tinted drinks, Irish jigs & delicious cuisine.
O’ there were years when we could not gather on the boards in AC.
But that could never stifle Irish tenacity!
So, when the weekend is done and the parade is over,
Please be mindful of the symbol of the clover.
Practice faith, hope, love & luck in your very own way.
And remember, St. Paddy’s Day in AC lasts for more than one day!
The 2024 Atlantic City Saint Patrick's Day Parade takes place on Saturday, March 9th at 1pm. Maynard's Owner,
Steve Troiano and Actor, Kelsey Grammer will be the Grand Marshals.
For more information on how to participate or surrounding events, go to
Photo: Shannon Wray-Norris