Margate: Celebrity couple in shouting match with fan

Photo: ggustin / iStock Unreleased / Getty Images

When celebrities come to our town for a low-key vacation, you can be sure camera phones will be active capturing all the excitement! Jason and Kylie Kelce were trying to enjoy a low-key dinner in Margate City. Jason, having just retired after a stellar Hall Of Fame career with our beloved Eagles was enjoying some Memorial weekend relaxation with family. Enter an over-enthusiastic fan who intruded for a "selfie" with Kylie. When she politely declined, the woman started getting aggressive and defensive. She started screaming warnings of "never be allowed in my town again" and had to be contained in an outside parking lot. Multiple bystanders with video rolling confirm the Kelces were polite in declining the "selfie" and now the woman has embarrassed herself for all the world to see. Yes, they walk among us. Let's hope she starts feeling better about herself and her own life soon. Bad fan behavior usually ruins the social life, family personal life, sometimes employment and even health. NOT worth it. The Mayor of Margate, Michael Collins stepped up to offer a full apology (see WZXL.COM) and an invitation for the Kelce's to return to an elegant dinner compliments of his beautiful city.

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